Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I pick up a Fire Pit Pig?
    We have pick up locations in Ames, IA, Sidney, IA, and Omaha, NE. Call us at (515) 233-4774 for more information. If you are outside these areas, check out your local Costco Business Center.
  • What size pig can fit in a standard oven or smoker?
    A 20-30 lb pig can typically fit inside a standard oven or smoker.
  • Does The Perfect Pig come fresh or frozen?
    All of our pigs come frozen. However, we can provide fresh pigs upon request with pick up at our Butchery in Sidney, IA.
  • How many lbs. of pig do I need per person?
    Well, that depends on how hungry your guests are! However, we recommend accounting 1.5 lbs of pig per person.
  • How much fully cooked meat should I account for?
    We recommend estimating 1/3 lb per person.
  • What’s the best way to thaw a roasting pig?
    The safest way to thaw a roasting pig is by refrigeration. Keep the pig in its original packaging and place it inside a cooler, refrigerator, or tub of cool water. Remember to plan ahead, as this will take several days.

    – For pigs 40 lbs and under: allow 2 days of thawing time
    – For pigs over 40 lbs: allow 3-5 days of thawing time
  • How do I know when a roasting pig is fully thawed?
    You can feel when a roasting pig is fully thawed. It should feel soft and pliable to the touch. There should be no ice crystals remaining in the cavity or around the joints.
  • Can I cook a partially thawed roasting pig?
    No. The roasting pig should be completely thawed before cooking. Cooking a partially thawed pig leads to uneven cooking and foodborne illness.
  • How do I cook a Fire Pit Pig in a conventional oven?
    1. Preheat oven to 275 degrees. Place pig on baking sheet.
    2. Cook for a minimum of 4 hours.
    3. Using a meat thermometer, check temperature of hams and shoulders. The pig is finished cooking once hams and shoulders reach 165 degrees.
    4. Add additional cook time as needed.

    This method is most suitable for pigs weighing 20 to 30 lbs.
  • How do I cook a Fire Pit Pig on a motorized spit?
    1. Tie pig’s legs forward and secure to spit.
    2. Rotate pig for 4 to 6 hours, until hams and shoulders reach 165 degrees.
  • How long do I cook a Fire Pit Pig in a smoker?
    If your pig is under 90 lbs, smoke it for 5 to 6 hours. If your pig is over 90 lbs, smoke it for 12 to 14 hours.
  • How do I know when my Full Roasting Pig is finished cooking in the smoker?
    Use a meat thermometer to determine when your roasting pig is finished cooking. When the hams and shoulders reach 165 degrees, the pig is done.
  • How can I prepare my RTE Smokehouse meat products?
    Do not open “boil-in” bag packaging.Thaw product completely, and then:
    1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
    2. Place bag in deep, oven-safe dish. Fill dish with 2 inches of water.
    3. Cover dish with aluminum foil. Heat until hot: about 15-20 minutes per pound of meat, or 30-40 minutes per package.

    If reheating from frozen:
    1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Do not open “boil-in” bag.
    2. Place bag in deep, oven-safe dish. Fill dish with 2 inches of water.
    3. Cover dish with aluminum foil. Heat until hot: about one hour.

    Thaw product completely, and then:
    1. Place meat in crockpot. Add a small amount of water.
    2. Cover with lid. Heat until hot: about 1-2 hours on low, or 3-4 hours on high.

    If reheating from frozen:
    1. Place meat in crockpot. Add a small amount of water.
    2. Cover with lid. Heat until hot: about 8 hours on low, or 3-4 hours on high.

Additional Cooking Instructions